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About the KaBo Kinderkirche (KaBo Children's Church)

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The KaBo Children's Church is a project of the St. Augustinus parish. The church and community spaces of St. Charles Borromeo are designed with children and young families in mind.

The focus here is on children and their needs.

We offer church service and other events. Please inform you on our website. 


  • Values ​​of our coexistence Mindful:

- We pay attention to each other's needs, especially those of the children Simple language

– We use child-friendly language Open-hearted

– We treat each other with benevolence Holistic

– We shape our interactions creatively, actively and with all our senses Family – we are on a first-name basis Open

– We welcome all nations, cultures and religions Christian

We are equally children of God


  • For the church service:

Please log in via our website. You find the items for registration under the date of church service. Pay attention to the registration deadline!

If you want to inform you about a visit, please look at "Besuch planen" ("Plan a visit").

After the church service there will be pictures of our story. You can find the pictures under "Fotogalerie" (Photo gallery), "Bilder von Veranstaltungen" (pictures of events)"


  • for the other events:

Please look at the date of the event and the discription. In some case there is a registration needed.


For frequently asked questions, we made a overview. You find it under "Besuch planen" ("Plan a visit"), "Häufig gestellte Fragen" ("Frequently asked questions")

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via info@kabokinderkirche.de. We will text you back.


Unfortunately, the entire website cannot be converted to English yet. We ask for apology.